Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

Yes, I know- I wish my title read Vacation, Vacation, Vacation too. At this point (as much as you love them dearly) I'm sure some of you are itching for a break away from your parents and siblings...and if that is the case, then I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

Unfortunately, holidays are not our theme for this week, but instead The 'Shepherd'. This theme seems to have come at a great time considering that you have all just been allocated your subjects for GCSE Options and these choices are going to help mould your future. 

Whilst at school, it is our job as teachers to support you to find your vocation. As a Catholic community, we believe that your vocation is the way you choose to use your gifts, talents and passions to serve God and others. Your vocation describes both the way you lead your life and what you “do for a living” or put another way, what we dedicate our lives to.

I know that some of you are fortunate enough to have a very clear idea of how you are being called to live your lives and you already have an ideal career path planned out. Many others, however, still haven’t worked this out and that's more than OK. After all, you're only in Year 9! Trust me, a lot of people still don't know even when they're well into adulthood.

Whilst I might class myself as one of your 'Shepherds', there are many people out there who I'm sure you rely on for love, care and support on a daily basis. Don't be fooled though, although you're still young, you too can be some sort of Shepherd; so let's use this time to reflect about who you might be a Shepherd for during the current lockdown and more importantly what needs doing in our world...remember that you are the next generation!

Some reflections for this week:

  • What are your gifts and talents?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • How might you make a difference in our world?
  • How might your vocation help to build the Kingdom?

I want to spend less time talking about me this week, and more time celebrating what you've all been up to. After the second round of phone calls it's clear to see that so many of you have been working your socks off and I promise this is going to pay off. 

Before I move on to celebrate your successes, I have some plugging to do....

Whilst we're not quite internet sensations yet, the effort is definitely there, so remember to subscribe to the Salesian youtube channel if you haven't already. There's new material going up every day for video lesson content in different subjects, so keep your eyes peeled. 

Options Information

Last week, you should have received a letter confirming your Option Subjects for next year. How exciting is that?! This marks the start of your GCSE journey into Year 10 and ultimately a time of change. For some, this will be a fresh start and for others it will be a continuation of the path that you are already on. Whilst being back at school will allow you to strengthen existing relationships that you have with your peers, I also hope to see some new friendships forming. After all, you will be sharing classes with those who share similar interests to you.

If you have any questions about your options (that doesn't involve requesting to change the subjects you have been allocated) feel free to get in touch with me, or your subject teacher. I have been so impressed at how many of you want to 'get ahead' by reading up on your subjects and purchasing GCSE study guides in preparation. 

Remember, there are also some GCSE lesson videos being posted on the youtube channel, so feel free to take a look at those to get an idea of what you will be doing next year, too. 

Let's Celebrate Success!

So many of you have started getting in touch with me to share your work and various projects that you have been completing. Your teachers have also been very impressed at how hard some of you are working. 

Mrs Kilby would like to give a special mention to the following students for 'Top Work' in Maths:
  • Amelie Huet
  • Toby Dickinson
  • Victoria Hodkin-Martinez
  • Aiden Miller
  • Sophia Swindell
  • Alex McLean
  • Caitllin Eastham
  • Lorenzo Gavioli
  • Henry Corrigan
  • Melissa Hopkins
Keep up the fantastic work you lot!

Owen Christmas and his younger brother have been busy making postcards to send to the local care home and they received a lovely thank you email letting them know how much their kind thoughts were appreciated by the residents. A huge well done, Owen, for demonstrating what it is to be a Salesian. 

Menawhile, Rosie King has been busy practising her drawing skills and has produced some fantastic pieces of art work. Below are just a couple of my favourites from her extensive collection...

Maxim has also been putting his creativity to good use by entering his diary design for the Salesian7Challenge. This model comes in all house colours. A superb effort, Maxim- well done!

Last but not least, here's Roman with his very own 'hand-built' computer! He ordered all the parts online and got it up and running in a matter of days. To be honest, I'm astounded at how he managed to produce the final product. I definitely know who to call upon if I'm ever having issues with technology in the classroom. An awesome job Roman, congratulations!

Fruits of your Labour

During these strange times, it's more important than ever that we're staying connected and helping each other out (i.e. being shepherds). With that in mind, I've had some requests for special mentions for individuals who are going above and beyond to support their friends. 

Alex Kurjata a virtual fruit is coming your way, as you have been nominated as someone who is going the extra mile to support others with work and well-being. 

If you'd like to nominate someone for a 'Fruits of your Labour' award, please do get in touch. I love hearing how you're all supporting one another through all of this. 

My fruits of your labour nomination goes to Miss Cella, who surprised a few of us last week by dropping round (from a safe distance of course) a bag of goodies to enjoy during our weekly quiz. Here she is enjoying a hug from Lola before she left!

She's also the queen of sending funny videos to get us all through. Here's a cheeky TikTok that I've now been tasked at re-creating...

That's all for today folks. Keep up the great work, positivity and remember that you are all a shepherd to someone, even if you don't realise it yet!

Miss M x

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🎵 Try a little tenderness... 🎵

Or should I say Gentleness .  That's right, Gentleness is our theme this week and with only one more week to go, if you're anythi...