Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Fruits of your labour

Dzien dobry Year 9,

As you can see, my Polish lessons are paying off and I am reaping the fruits of my labour. Thanks to Duolingo, I can now say a fair few new- and in some case strange- phrases. My favourite so far has to be: 'Ona jest kotem i ja jestem kotem' ...I'll let you and google translate work out what it means. 

I hope Week 2 of lockdown has got off to a good start and you are continuing to be productive with your school work. Teachers have started making calls to your parents over the last few days to check how you're all getting on. It's been really lovely to hear of all the things you are up to. I've even heard that some of you are doing more work at home than you usually do at school, which is fantastic! Just remember that it's OK to take a break too. 

Unfortunately, the longer we're in lockdown, the more tempted I am to raid the cupboards for snacks during my breaks from work. I'm acting more and more like this girl every day...

 Thankfully I didn't give up chocolate for lent, otherwise I would have failed miserably. I've never been so glad to find my stash of Christmas chocolate waiting for me in the back of the cupboard. Safe to say, this guy didn't last long...

If you are one of those pour souls who did give up chocolate, or sweets for lent- hang on in there! I promise you that the 'fruit' of your labour is coming and there is light at the end of the Quarantine Tunnel! Seriously, there really isn't long left now and you will have passed the ultimate test of self-restraint and will-power if you succeed. Imagine how good your Easter chocolate is going to taste in a few days time? 

If you remember from assembly, my 'Lent Challenge' has been to do 100 sit-ups, or 100 squats a day. Well, it turns out that I have had no excuse not to do that over the last couple of weeks and it's been getting a little repetitive. They say exercise is key to a healthy mind and the experts aren't lying. If you've been doing Joe Wicks' Workout every day, then you're doing a great job. I've heard that some of you are even doing it twice a day! I've been trying to mix things up a little to avoid getting bored. Today's work out promises to be a challenge...but I'm hoping a fun one!

It'll take 30 minutes and all you need is a pack of cards (and some good motivational music on in the background).

If you're doing this in a group, you each take a turn to take a card from the pack. 

Your card is dependent on the activity you all complete. Here's an example of the activities you might do below...

Hearts: Push-ups 
Spades: Sit-ups
Diamonds: Squats
Spades: Lunges

Your first card you draw might be the 4 of Diamonds. In that case, you (and anyone else taking part in the workout) will need to do 4 squats. 

What if your card doesn't have a number?

Good question. Face cards are as follows...

Jack: x11
Queen: x12
King: x13

And the one you don't want to pull out is...

JOKER: x 15 Burpees

I've got my cards ready to do mine later. I'll be sure to give them a good shuffle first. After all, I don't want that joker to pop up!

As well as exercising, I put my DIY skills to good use this weekend and put up a new noticeboard in my kitchen. Hopefully it looks straight...

 I also used the cardboard box it came in to start my 1,000 piece puzzle. Turns out, it's harder than I thought it would be. It took us around 2 hours just to get the edges done...

Amongst all of that, I've also been staying in touch with family and friends over Whatsapp, Houseparty and Zoom. With plenty of extra time on their hands, my parents have been busy sorting through things they have accumulated over the years. This is some of my top-notch work that they sent me the other day...

I'm glad I didn't grow up looking like 'Dobby the House Elf' and to confirm, I can now write the number 3 the right way round. See, I told you education is good for us!


If you're lucky enough to have relatives and friends who you can video call, definitely make the most of it. But, just spare a thought for those who might not have access to the internet. With an elderly neighbour who is in isolation and a grandma that doesn't have access to the internet, I started looking into initiatives for helping those who might be lonely during the lockdown. I came across this website below who are asking people to write letters to those in need. 

If you do decide to do this random act of kindness, or you've already done something similar, I can promise that you will reap the fruits of your labour. There may even be one of my top-of-the-range fruit badges in it for you when you return from school and possibly a comically-sized exotic fruit if you're really lucky. 

Ironically, in a time when we are being kept far apart, some of us have ended up coming 'virtually' closer together via social media. I certainly enjoy watching some of the videos that people have been making to cheer others up. I thought I'd leave you one of my favourites that's just gone viral. Can you and your family do any better? If so, get in touch and let me know!

Lastly, whilst it's been lovely talking to your parents, it would be even better to hear from some of you via email- believe it or not, I'm missing seeing all of your wonderful faces every day. So, if you've got a great idea to share, or just want to drop me a line to say hello please do!

Stay safe, stay happy and remember to keep reaping the fruits of your labour. 

Miss M x

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